Wykeham Primary School

Wykeham Primary School

Committed to Excellence, Equality and Enjoyment

  1. Pupils
  2. TfL Citizenship Presentation

TfL Citizens Presentation - Year 6

During the autumn term, Transport for London Safety and Citizenship delivered a valuable presentation to our Year 6 children to educate pupils about personal safety, respect, responsibility and awareness both on and around public transport.  It covered the different forms of public transport and addressed all key aspects of the KS2 Citizenship curriculum. The presentation informed, challenged and reinforced the knowledge of Year 6 students as they become increasingly independent.



Pupil Comments: 
"During the presentation, we learnt about how to properly use public transport. On buses and trains, we were made of why we should be careful of doors; this is so that nothing gets trapped. Also, if you see anything happening that is not according to the rules, you should tell a member of staff.  In my opinion, everyone should follow the road and travel safety rules. This presentation was very useful."
"On the day of the presentation, we were all excited to learn about London's transport: buses, trains and bikes! We were surprised to learn that some Uber cabs are part of the London transport. It was very informative because it told us all about travelling safely which is very important as we will soon be in year 7 and start travelling on our own. We learnt about ZIP cards and lots of hazards. The kind man taught us a rule: go back your height and two steps while at a bus or train station. We left the hall with way more knowledge about London transport than we came with."