Key Information
Wykeham Primary School is in an inner city area in the London Borough of Brent. We are a two form entry school with an intake of pupils between the ages of three and eleven from a wide and diverse community. Our Nursery offers part-time places for the morning session. We have our own swimming pool, a spacious Computing Suite, a well-resourced library, sports field and gardening area.
81 pupils (18%) are on the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities register, of which ten pupils (2%) have an Educational Health and Care Plan.
21% of pupils are eligible for Free School Meals. For pupils entitled to the Universal Free School Meals in Key Stage 1, 96.1% receive this.
71% pupils speak English as an additional language. The main languages, other than English, spoken by our pupils are Arabic, Romanian, Somalian and Albanian. Thirty three different languages are spoken in the school.
Ofsted Reports
Wykeham Primary School achieved a grading of good across all judgements of its Ofsted inspection in November 2024. The process was thorough and rigorous and the inspectors commented on many positive aspects of school life at Wykeham Primary School.
We are extremely proud of this positive outcome which is a testament to the care and commitment of our staff and governors, the support of our parents and carers, and of course, a celebration of our children.
There are a lot of things for us to celebrate and we would like to draw your attention to some particular highlights from the report:
- Wykeham Primary School provides a welcoming and nurturing environment in which pupils feel safe and happy.
- Relationships between staff, pupils and their families are warm and supportive. This creates a positive school environment with a real sense of community.
- The school has designed a curriculum that is broad and ambitious. It has identified the important knowledge and skills pupils need to secure in each subject.
- The school’s reading curriculum ensures that pupils experience high-quality texts from the early years to year 6.
- Staff are skilled at identifying pupils’ educational needs and making necessary adaptations. This means pupils with SEND flourish and achieve well.
- The school sets high expectations for pupils’ behaviour.
- The school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development is strong.
- Pupils talk about values such as respect, tolerance and kindness. They relish the diversity of their community and learning from each other. As a result, pupils are well prepared for their next steps in education and life in modern Britain.
- Governance is strong and knowledgeable about the school’s work. They provide effective challenge and support in planning for the future.
- Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the education and care their children receive.
As with all inspections, the process also identified areas of improvement which we believe are fair. With the continued support from governors, the school will strive to address these and include them in our school improvement plan, a continual process. As always, we know that we have the support from parents and carers in the work we are doing and, for that, we are grateful.
Please click here for the full Ofsted report.
Financial Information
Please click here to view the school's dedicated page on the Government's Schools Financial Benchmarking service. Please follow the prompts.
There are no individuals at Wykeham Primary School who earn over £100,000.