Wykeham Primary School

Wykeham Primary School

Committed to Excellence, Equality and Enjoyment

  1. Gallery

Our Photo Gallery 

Wykeham's Winter Wonderland

During the last two weeks of the Autumn term, pupils excitedly planned and decorated their classroom doors to reflect a winter scene and made party hats to wear for our special lunch. They used their Art, DT and PSHCE skills and knowledge to work collaboratively on creative tasks. The days were filled with fun and creativity. Here are their amazing creations. We are sure that you will be as proud of them as we are!


Celebrating World Mental Health Day

At Wykeham Primary School we celebrated World Mental Health Day 2023 by wearing yellow. We also took part in ITV’s ‘Britain Get Talking’ in partnership with YOUNGMINDS #helloyellow campaign. This involved sharing the Britain Get Talking homework task - a conversation starter for children to take home - designed to encourage children to speak about the hardest subject on their minds with their parents, carers or trusted adults because we know children don’t always talk about what’s on their minds. 

 Image from What is Mental Health? By Dr Lucy Maddox

REMEMBER: You are not alone. If you want to understand more about how you're feeling and find ways to feel better, or you want to support someone who's struggling go to https://www.youngminds.org.uk/ for help and support.



Anti-bullying week 

Throughout the anti-bullying week, we discussed topics which re-emphasised that Wykeham Primary School is an anti-bullying environment. There was a particular focus on kindness and appreciation as well as a reminder for pupils to speak to one of their trusted adults if they do have any concerns.

Our parents supported their children at home by speaking to them about kindness, what it means to them and how being kind will have a positive impact on others as well as themselves.


Wykeham's pupils shine at the

Neasden Community Festival 2023

It was an absolute delight to see pupils of Wykeham Primary School performing their dances to an appreciative audience at the Neasden Community Festival, which took place on Sunday 16th July 2023 at the Neasden Town Centre. The pupils were all excited as they had been practising their dances for the past few weeks. They were very proud to show their dance moves, which were choreographed by the pupils themselves under the guidance of Ms Peart. Well done to the dancers and Ms Peart!




Watch Wykeham's children take on the Jerusalema Dance Challenge!


Wykeham's Cultural Extravaganza