Wykeham Primary School

Wykeham Primary School

Committed to Excellence, Equality and Enjoyment

  1. Curriculum
  2. RE


We aim to provide our pupils with a broad, balanced, spiritual, moral, cultural and knowledge-based Religious Education curriculum in which every child will be able to achieve an insight into the nature of Religion and what it means to be religious. We endeavour to create an atmosphere in which every child feels secure in their own beliefs and has respect for the beliefs of others, whilst acknowledging the broadly Christian tradition of the country. We feel that all children have the right to discuss the elements of their own faith, the faith of others and the ideas of those who have no religious beliefs in a free atmosphere that promotes openness, fairness and mutual respect.

The children, staff and parents of Wykeham School come from diverse cultural, religious and ethnic backgrounds and we value this in a positive way. We also believe that cultural and linguistic diversity help enrich our lives.

We actively promote equality of opportunity, racial equality and good relations among all the different groups in the school. We believe that knowledge of other peoples’ backgrounds as well as their own will serve to promote mutual cultural respect and a high self esteem for everyone in the school.

We believe that each child should be encouraged to be aware of the role played by religion in the community and the wider world. We believe that Religious Education and the development of the whole person are an integral part of a child’s education.


Collective Worship

Collective Worship takes place daily when children are assembled together. The daily assembly can take several forms and in a typical week this would be: 

Monday – Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 assemblies

Tuesday – Individual class collective worship

Wednesday – Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Music assemblies

Thursday - Individual class collective worship

Friday – Whole school assembly 

The whole school assemblies are delivered on a weekly basis by a class or a year group. Many of the festivals of the major world religions are celebrated at this time. On the other occasions the focus of the assembly is on a general religious or spiritual theme. The topic may be presented in relation to one or more religions or from a moral or spiritual aspect. 

A yearly schedule of class assemblies is published before the end of the previous year. The school's approach to Collective Worship is in line with the current guidelines of the Brent Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE).


Festivals of the major World Religions celebrated annually:

Year 1 Chinese New Year

Year 2 Christmas - Christianity

Year 3 Easter - Christianity

Year 4 Hanukkah - Judaism

Year 5 Eid - Islam

Year 6 Diwali - Hinduism


In addition, the following festivals may be celebrated:

Eid Ul Adha (Islam)

Chanukah (Judaism)

St. Andrew's Day

St. David's Day

St. George’s Day

St. Patrick's Day


Please click here for this year’s overview.