Wykeham Primary School

Wykeham Primary School

Committed to Excellence, Equality and Enjoyment

  1. Our School

Key Information


Wykeham Primary School is in an inner city area in the London Borough of Brent. We are a two form entry school with an intake of 466 pupils between the ages of three and eleven from a wide and diverse community. There are 46 pupils attending Nursery which consists of both full-time and part-time  places. We have our own swimming pool, a spacious Computing Suite with 3D facilities, a well-resourced library, sports field and gardening area.

73 pupils (16%) are on the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities register, of which fourteen pupils (3%) have an Educational Health and Care Plan.

23% of pupils are eligible for Free School Meals. Pupils Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are to a Universal Free School Meals..

67% pupils speak English as an additional language. The main languages, other than English, spoken by our pupils are Arabic, Romanian and Somalian. 


Ofsted Reports 

Wykeham Primary School is an outstanding school. The summary from our latest report (March 2015) includes the following statements:

  • Pupils achieve extremely well.
  • All groups of pupils make rapid progress, often from low starting points.
  • The most able pupils achieve exceptionally well.
  • Teaching over time is of a very high quality.
  • The management of teaching is of high quality.
  • Provision in early years is excellent.
  • The school promotes its values very strongly.
  • The headteacher, governors and other leaders have a united vision to give all pupils the best chances in life through education.
  • Pupils' behaviour is outstanding.
  • Pupils' high achievement and excellent behaviour are rooted in confident self-belief.
  • Pupils' safety is extremely secure.
  • The required improvements identified in the previous inspection have been successfully carried out.

Please click here for the full Ofsted report. 


Financial Information

Please click here  to view the school's dedicated page on the Government's Schools Financial Benchmarking service. Please follow the prompts. 

There are no individuals at Wykeham Primary School who earn over £100,000.